X’tralife revolutionary product is an iron (Fe) based alloy with exceptional high stress abrasion resistance with high toughness, higher volume fraction of Ultrafine carbides and borides, and superior high temperature hardness.
It provides exceptional wear resistance through the in situ phase formation of high volume fractions of complex carbide and leads to 68-72 HRC.
A multi component steel alloy with unique uniform melt chemistry which allows higher solidification ratio (G/R) to be achieved during welding. This results into uniformly distributed microstructure having lower dilution value.
The wear life improved to more than 3000 hours & wear was maximum around 10 mm and that too at about 40 mm width on grinding zone only. At other areas, wear was maximum 7 mm wear. This thereby reduces the downtime losses and operational costs resulting into absolute improvement of the bottom line for the organization.