ISO 9001:2015 Certified
24 X 7
+91 99740 92362
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General Description :

XPL-1411 is a long potlife version of the XPL-1410.  In addition, it has a non-corrosive hardener and is listed “DOT-non-corrosive” and as such can be easily shipped.  Although not recommended for hydrocarbon or solvent storage, it does however have good chemical resistance to dilute and mild inorganic acids as well as water, sea water and de-mineralized water.

Applications :

Cement Industries : Structures exposed to atmospheric corrosion, external coatings of bunkers, silos, oil & water storage tanks, external coatings of DG sets & storage tanks of CPP, external coatings of pipelines.

Power Industries : De watering tanks, oil & water storage tanks, intake basins and other structures exposed to mild & atmospheric corrosion, external coatings of pipelines.

Steel Industries : External coatings of tanks in O2 plant and its structures, coke oven plant, Gas holders, Coal chemical plants etc and its pipelines.

Other processing : Structures exposed to atmospheric corrosion, external coatings of bunkers, silos, oil & Industries water storage tanks, external coatings of DG sets & storage tanks of CPP, external coatings of pipelines.