ISO 9001:2015 Certified
24 X 7
+91 99740 92362
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General Characteristics :

XL-CC74 E is specially designed for profiling of roller press roll and hard surfacing of tyre and table liners in cement industries with superlative wear resistance. Deposits have excellent hot hardness property upto 700°C and also resistivity to matrix washout due to excellent concentration of secondary carbides. 1ST layer hardness exceeds 62 Rc. Alloy Basis-C,Cr,Mn,Si+15% Tungsten carbides.

Applications :

XL-CC74 E is suitable for roller press profiling particularly for slag mills, spiral conveyers, Sintering plant parts, earthmoving equipments, tyre and table liners in cement industries etc.

Mechanical Properties :
  • Hardness : Hardness of the weld metal : 60-66 HRc (As deposited)