A 20 oz. water base formulation designed for all types of overhead applications. Uses include mining operations, bridge and building construction, color coding of piping and HVAC duct work.
VOC Complimant :
Traffic Machine (Z-604) Designed exclusively for Stripe Traffic Paints, this easy-to-use machine applies crisp, even 2″ to 4″ lines to concrete or asphalt.
Turf Machine (Z-607) For use with Stripe Athletic Field Marker Paints. Allows application of lines up to 2″ to 4″ on athletic fields or other turf surfaces.
Marking Wand (7-606) For use with a variety of Stripe Inverted Tip Marking paints, this light-weight tool is ideal for a wide range of marking applications.
Curb Marking Wand (Z-608) Compact and light-weight, this tool is ideal for marking curbs, applying numbers and logos. For use on concrete, asphalt and athletic fields. Use with Traffic Marker and Traffic Marker Extra.
Marking Gun (Z-605) Compact and light-weight, this tool is ideal for free-hand marking with any Stripe Inverted Tip Marking Paint.
Latex Traffic Marking Stencil Gun (Z-609) This tool is ideal for applying Latex Traffic Marker in Stencil Applications.
Stripe Traffic Machine Display (Z-610) Unit holds 24 cans of Stripe products., one Traffic Machine (Z-604)”, and two Marking Wands (Z-606)’.
Stripe Traffic Machine Mini Display (Z-611) Holds one Traffic Machine (Z-604).. NOT INCLUDED
Stencils Reusable stencil board or heavy duty plastic. 3″ letter & number kit, 24″ & 48″ handicap symbols, 3″ & 12″ visitor, no parking, reserved, and firelane.