ISO 9001:2015 Certified
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+91 99740 92362
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General Description :

XPL-2610 is a 100% solids lining with good chemical resistance. It is an excellent product for tank linings, floors & secondary containment because of its good all around chemical resistance and ease of workability. It can be applied with conventional airless spray equipment or by brush or roller.

Chemical Description :

Multi-functional epoxy, with a uniquely modified amido-amine hardener.

Applications :

Cement : Process water tanks, oil & chemical storage tanks, cooling tower structures and pipelines of CPP. DG sets flooring & DM Plant floorings of CPP, structures exposed is sea water corrosion in jetty areas.

Power Plant : circulating water lines, condenser water boxes & doors, heat exchanger casings, cooling tower structures & fans, suitable of structures & tanks of DM plants like HCL tanks, NaOH tank linings, circulating water tunnels and its pipelines. Hydro penstocks, Hydro flood tunnels, pump casing coatings etc.

Steel Industries : Floor coatings of CRM, tool room & machine shop, pump casings coating of pickling plant, Beast furnace plant. Acid storage tanks of CCD & coke-oven plant. Hydrocarbon storage tanks of O2 plant.

Other industries : Foam tanks, Oil coolers, sewage tanks of marine applications, green liquor & white liquor tanks of paper plant and penstock lines & cooling towers. Structures and mixers of STP,WTP & ETP. Structures exposed to see water of refineries & marine application and ports ship rebuilding areas.