ISO 9001:2015 Certified
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+91 99740 92362
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Ultraslide Primer

Typical application :

Anti corrosive primer for : Offshore new construction,  Chemical processing plant and vessels, General structural steel.

Product features :

Tough, weldable, anti corrosive, Rapid, low temperature  cure, Excellent adhesion, Extensive track record, Resistant to cathodic disbondment,  Rapid over coating and job completion.

Application methods :

Airless spray : Tip size 15-18 thou'(0.38-0.46 mm). Pressure at tip:2800 psi (200 kg/square centimeter)

Conventional  spray : Thin as necessary with up to 30% of the recommended  thiner. Use a compressed air spray gun with 40-60 psi supply.
Brush or roller small areas only.
Minimum   1º C                   Maximum 30º C           This product will oure at temp. below 0º  C