XPL-4523 is a 100% solids flexible novolac lining with outstanding chemical resistance. It is primarily used for secondary containment and floor topping where strong acid resistance is required. It has good abrasion resistance and excellent adhesion. Although it can be applied by brush or roller, it is most efficiently applied over large areas by the use of plural component spray equipment.
Multi functional epoxy, with a uniquely modified cycloaliphatic amine hardener.
Cement : HCL & H2SO4 and other acid storage tanks of CPP plant, coal mill & raw mill chimneys internal linings.
Power : cations Anion storage tank & acid storage tanks, deaerator tanks of DM plant, inlet & outlet ductings and stacks.
Steel : Vessels & tanks of pickling plant in CRM, chemical storage tanks of coke oven & CCD plants.
Other Industries : Acid & caustics storage of petrochemicals industries Evaporators, Gas fan casings, Gas scrubbers of ship in marine applications. Black liquor tanks & boiler duct work of paper plant, ships.