ISO 9001:2015 Certified
24 X 7
+91 99740 92362
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Typical Application :

Offshore immersed areas and splash zones. Internal lining for steel and concrete chemical tanks. Effluent and sewage treatment, gas bells and sump tanks.

Product Features :

Resistant to corrosion, Glass flake reinforced, High mechanical strength, Excellent abrasion and impact resistance, High build Rapid, low temperature cure Economical protection of steel and con- crete, Excellent water resistance.

Application Methods :

Airless Spray: Tip size 26-30 thou’ (0.66-0.76 mm).
Pressure at tip: 2800 psi (200 kg/cm2). Use 1/2 ” dia., spray lines with 3/8″ dia., whip end keep runs as short as possible. Remove in line filters, use large mesh siever at pump intake. Film thickness can be increased by wet on wet application. Brush or roller small areas only.