XPL-1410 is a general purpose lining material for tanks, steel or concrete structures. It has good all around chemical resistance and outstanding resistance to water, sewage or other waste materials. A totally 100 % solids material, with zero (0) VOC, it can be applied with conventional airless spray equipment, brush or roller.
Cement Industries : Structures exposed to atmospheric corrosion, external coatings of bunkers, silos, oil & water storage tanks, external coatings of DG sets & storage tanks of CPP, external coatings of pipelines.
Power Industries : De watering tanks, oil & water storage tanks, intake basins and other structures exposed to mild & atmospheric corrosion, external coatings of pipelines
Steel Industries : External coatings of tanks in O2 plant and its structures, coke oven plant, Gas holders, Coal chemical plants etc and its pipelines
Other processing : Structures exposed to atmospheric corrosion, external coatings of bunkers, silos, oil & Industries water storage tanks, external coatings of DG sets & storage tanks of CPP, external coatings of pipelines.