ISO 9001:2015 Certified
24 X 7
+91 99740 92362
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XL-CC-702 OA

General Characteristics :

XL-CC-702 OA is a tubular wire for open arc welding with Tungsten carbide particles in a 24% Chrome base. It satisfies the need for an economical overlay with outstanding resistance to sliding abrasion combined with good scouring properties. Maintains hot wear resistance up to 700°C. Excellent for applications in farming and construction tools working in earth and sandy soils. Low welding current permits good edge build-up on small or thin parts. Near absence of slag form ation increases efficiency and facilitates easy welding of two layer deposits.

Applications :

Plow shares, Ammonia applicator knives, Coal augers, Dust fan blades, Drill stabilizers, tool joints, Sinter breakers and Trencher blades etc.

Weld Metal Analysis :
C Mn Si Cr W Hardness HRc
5.15 1.51 0.55 21.09 13.75 58