For Roller press spares, we offer following options:
Forged Roll (Single piece or with sleeves) :
Forged roller press roll is the latest generation of special grinding equipment engineered and developed in the end of 20th century. With minimum energy consumption and low operation cost, it realizes the tremendous boost of production of raw materials or cement.
Materials of Construction
Forged shaft with through hard cast sleeves (With Weld profiling) :
Forged shaft with compound cast sleeve (With Incast profiling) :
The surface is super wear resistant steel with superlative wear resistant and hardness exceeding 60 Rc. The microstructure is martensite with high carbide concentration. The Inner surface is high strength low alloy steel duly normalized and tempered. The mechanical values reach 700Mpa impact toughness.15 J/Cm2. Due to its support, the outer surface can be use under heavy compression and pressure.
The profile in this case is in cast during the casting stage itself and is maintained upto more than 20,000 hours and therefore the roller virtually becomes maintenance free.
Forged shaft with forged sleeve (with hard studs on working surface) :