ISO 9001:2015 Certified
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+91 99740 92362
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General Characteristics :

XL-HTS NM is a basic electrode with 140% for Ni- alloys (Inconel 600, Hastelloy, Incoloy 800 Nimonic 9% Ni-steels etc), high temperature, and creep electrode gives very smooth and stresisting steels, heat resisting and cryogenic materials, dissimilar joints and unknown steels. Suitable for repair and fabrication of pressure vessels operating from -196 C to 650 C. The able arc with easy slag removal.

Applications :

Suitable for welding baking ovens, refrigerating parts, heat exchangers, furnace parts, larges sections, Girth gear, Klin sheel pipe flanges. Tongs flame hardening equipment, ideal repair for cement industry. Highest thermal shock resistance. High mechanical strength, crack, and corrosion resistance.

Advantages :
  • Can be used for joining. Premium alloys in Petrochemical /Chemical industry like Inconel 600, Hastelloy, Incoloy 800, Nimonic, 9%  Nickel steels etc.
  • Can be used for furnace parts or kiln parts exposed to high temperature like 12000C without affecting grain structure.
  • Higher productivity.
  • Versatile.