Ultraslide Primer (HC) has been formulated by us especially for carrying out high class priming work. Ultraslide Primer (HC) is commonly used, both on steel reinforcement (old or new), prior to concreting or carring out repairs of broken columns, beams, slabs etc. and also on broken masonry for good adhesion of fresh concrete or mortar.The application of Ultraslide Primer (HC) to reinforcement protects it permanently from corrosion, which would cause expension and splitting of vital structural members. Ultraslide Primer (HC) is also applied on broken or spalled surfaces of concrete or mortar, prior to applying fresh mortar in order to obtain excellent bonding. It is supplied in two components of a brushing consistency, consisting of 2 parts of base and 1 part of activator. This volumetric system of measurement makes Ultraslide Primer (HC) very convenient for use at site by even unskilled or semi-skilled workers.