ISO 9001:2015 Certified
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XL-18 ML

General Characteristics :

XL 18 ML is a rutile coated electrode for welding high tensile steels, cast steels, stainless steels and unknown steels. It is specially designed for repair of earth moving and construction equipment, fabrication of crane booms etc.

Applications :

For welding of work hardening alloys, austenitic manganese steels, Hardox-steels, non-magnetic austenitic steels, hardenable steels, armour plates,  dissimilar steel grades (C-Mn-steels to stainless steel) etc. Also suitable for  welding of bulldozer blade and rebuilding of guides in steel mills.

Mechanical Properties :
  • Tensile Strength: up to 685 N/mm²
  • Yield Strength: up to 490 N/mm²
  • Elongation:  40-45 %
  • Impact Strength: 83 J