ISO 9001:2015 Certified
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WR-5962 G

General Characteristics :

WR-5962 G is for non-destructive test of welding defects. Normal welding microscopic surface cracks which may not be Detected with necked eye. Crack detection chemical ensures weld quality and guarantees performance satisfaction.

Benefit :
  • High penetration.
  • Non-Flammable and fast action.
  • Not only loosens rust but removes completely.
  • Can be diluted with water for mild rusting.
Applications :

Dip the rusted components in the solution and wait for 15-20 minutes. The product applies to all metal surfaces. For heavily rusted components the dipping time will have to be increased. Neutralize with basic material after dipping and wash it with plenty of water. Use in a well ventilated area.