ISO 9001:2015 Certified
24 X 7
+91 99740 92362
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    General Characteristics

    Due to the excellent welding properties and the high quality of the weld material especially concerning the elongation, this electrode is particularly for difcult weldable steels, Especially for buffer layers when welding clad sheet and for welding austenitic to ferritic steels (stainless to mild steels) Scaling resistant upto 12000 ºC.


    Worn out shaft, Warm working dies and tools, Stressed gears and drive components, heavy vehicle chassis and machinery parts. Corrosive uid agitators and mixers. Heat treatment over trays, rails and chains. High temperature gas ducts and chimneys. Furnace doors stainless overlaid parts.

    Superior constitution Better mechanical properties.
    Versatility. Reduction in inventory.
    Recommended for highly
    restrained joints.
    GIncreased joint life & economy.
    Exhibits high tensile strength.
    restrained joints can be made.
    Can bear heavy loads. Hence highly.
    Ductility (more ductile then
    8200 through ferrite is not present)
    Gives extra strength to the joint. as ow is
    proper life increases, less quantity is consumed.
    With stand high fatigue load.
    Corrosion resistant. Can work in high temperature bearing zones without failing.
    Frictional & impact wear
    Can work in saline atmosphere or moisture
    Longevity, increased life.
    Can be used on AC/DC. Acceptability
    Low thermal type. Reduces thermal stress.