ISO 9001:2015 Certified
24 X 7
+91 99740 92362
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    General Characteristics

    Cobalt base alloy with very high resistance to combined abrasion & impact stressing under high temperatures. Corrosion resistant. Welds well in horizontal position. Soft arc, smooth seam surface.


    Cutter and tools for processing plastics, wood and paper, as well as highly stressed sealing and sliding surfaces.

    It is a cobalt based alloy Provides hardness at elevated temp. hence and edge retention & better structure. More service life.
    Tough and ductile. Can bear heavy impacts and resistant to chipping
    and spalling hence longevity
    Heat resistan No oxidation at red heat and less distortion in mech.
    properties at elevated temps.
    Satisfactorily machinable. Can be used for precision mech. work.
    Versatile Can be used for wide range of application particularly valves