ISO 9001:2015 Certified
24 X 7
+91 99740 92362
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    XL-CHEM-SG is an extremely rugged anti-slip floor coating system, which is completely self contained requiring no additional sand or broadcasting of material. The texture of the surface can be varied form a form suitable for shower rooms to one which will provide slip resistance for industrial fork lift traffic by simply switching the nap of the rollers. The material is completely solvent free, and has no toxic fumes of any kind. It has little odor and can be applied while personnel are working in the area. Since it is solvent free, there is no danger of fire or explosions from welding, smoking or other flames. It is typically gray in color but other colors are available such as “Safety yellow”.


    • Good chemical and thermal resistance
    • Good resistance to abrasion
    • Excellent impact resistance
    • Readily cures at low temperatures and high humidity