WR GOF 01 is a lubricant/Release – Agent based on oil dispersed colloidal graphite. Its main application is in steel forging. WR GOF 01 is applied with success on both mechanical and screw passes and drop hammer, ever for every serve operations to form complex design pieces. WR GOF 01 forms on dies a film with first class releasing and lubricating properties. That film obtains a good metal flow during deformation at high temperature and, if applied in the correct way, no built- up is left on dies. Graphite particle size gives to the product extremely good covering powder , possibility of high dilution ratio and stability against settling out , for both concentrated product and ready for use diluted dispersion.
It is designed particularly for the hot forging of steel. It is successfully used both on mechanical presses and mills and hammers and for severe forging operation for the production of difficult parts. The dilution ratio with oil for WR GOF 01 varies depending on the severity of the job and the application. A typical dilution is 5% which can be increased to 15-20% according to the severity of the operation. The solution is applied by spray. Adjust with care nozzles position and delivery. WR GOF 01 is diluted by adding water to the concentrated roduct. Only mild agitation is needed to homogenize the dilution.