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WR 2560

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    It is a solvent base temporary protective coating containing polymers and organic additives which help in producing an elastic, tough, transparent, continuous coating to protect against scratches and stains. This coating can be easily peeled from the edge when desired. Protects against contamination due to paint spray, abrasion, moisture, dirt, etc.


    • Can be easily peeled off from any surfaces
    • Long term protection against rust
    • Prevents oxidation, tarnishing and damage during shipment
    • Protects equipments and parts in stores and shipment
    • Can be used on metals and most painted surface
    • Environment friendly
    • Safe to human being


    Precision tools (reamers, diamonds tipped tools, milling cutters etc.) gauges, dies, spare parts and other store item. Machined surface, control panels, metal laminates, anodized sections, aluminum doors and window decorative laminates and metal labels as protective coating. Specially suitable for export consignments.