ISO 9001:2015 Certified
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+91 99740 92362
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WR 2500

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    Repair damage galvanized coating by thin film comprising of 99% zinc in the dry form. Extremely fast drying and high adhesivity . Its flexible and continuous film protects metal against rust and corrosion . It is environment friendly. Best suited for surface exposed to sea water or salty atmosphere. Zinc based surface with the advantage of synthetic resin provide excellent Cathodic rust protection. It is touch dry after 15 minutes. With no shrinkage , no hair cracking. Surface can then be treated for painting or printing without any further treatment.


    • Contains high concentration of metallic Zinc.
    • Spreads well and reaches in-accessible part without dismantling components.
    • Protects against wear and does not peel-off.
    • Excellent anti-corrosive property.
    • Instant touch-up of hot-dip galvanized surfaces.
    • Excellent Cathodic protection.
    • Bright metallic coating for galvanized finish.


    Use for touching of damage zinc coating as conductive interlining for spot welding for all vehicle body work. For recoating over drilling marks and weld lines. As a primer for construction exposed to water and weather for poles, masts, pipe lines, sewage plants, sheds, treating system construction, railings, point installation, ship, for protection against various gases, acids, and alkaline solutions.